Miglė Dunaitienė's profileKūrybinių industrijų dizainas Design for creative industries's profile

Design week 2014 / "Back to the 50's"

Projektas: ,, Dizaino savaitė'' | ,, Atgal į penkiasdešimtuosius" | 2014
Vieta: ,, Coffee inn", Vokiečių g. 18, Vilnius, Lietuva
Vilniaus Dizaino kolegija | Kūrybinių industrijų dizainas

Vienai savaitei pakeistas kavinės ,, Coffee inn" interjeras. Užėjus pajuntama penkiasdešimtųjų ar kitaip tariant retro atmosfera. 
Task for design week: We had to change chosen "Coffee inn", to create something fun inside. 
So we created 50's atmosphere inside of "Coffee inn" for a weeek! 
That's how it looked before the project
For this project we made retro style photo stand in "Coffee inn" where people could take fun and beautiful photos.
Poster: < - What is going on in here?! >  < - Retro! >
Instagram communication : we wanted people to share their photos in social networks. 
These hashtags were installed in a photo stand so anyone could see it and write these # when uploading to an instagram or facebook.
And this is us, happy with our project results :)
Design week 2014 / "Back to the 50's"

Design week 2014 / "Back to the 50's"

Project "Back to the 50's"for the "Design week"in Lithuania. Students: Miglė Svirskytė, Evelina Budrytė Lecturer: Gediminas Guzelis
